Custom Home Gyms, LLC.
"Get Fit in the Comfort
of Your Own Home"
Stamped Architectural plans drawn by Custom Home Gyms, LLC which are approved by the city and used by builders for new construction sites, additions,
and renovations.

Architectural Designer
(Home Designer and Remodeler)
click on calendar link below and book consultation to buy plans and services
(must book from a computer)
Recent projects photos completed by Custom Home Gyms, LLC.

"Laura's Great Guide to Fitness,
How to Stay Healthy Throughout the Ages"
Get one guide FREE
(with purchase of a set of Architectural Plans)
"Laura's Great Guide to Fitness, How to Stay Healthy Throughout the Ages" is now for sale. Written by Laura S. Gudipalley herself. ISSA certified in nutrition and sports therapy, Laura has written a book designed for people of all ages. This guide will walk you through basic instructions on calorie counts, when to exercise, how to measure your heart rate, and how to exercise. This guide will provide you knowledge that is easy to read to help you understand how to stay in shape, eat properly, measure yourself, and so much more.
Sold on www.customgymsonline.com via paypal, amazon.com
barnsnoble.com, "Laura's Great Guide to Fitness" comes in a soft cover, hard back, and ebook. To hear a brief overview of the book you can hear a summery on alexa. You can also buy my book at Book Exchange located at 2932 Canton Rd., Unit 220 Marietta, GA 30066 US.
For any questions please contact Laura S. Gudiapalley at 678-472-3719. I hope this guide brings you health and guidance.
My book is available through the booksellers return program thru Authorhouse Publishing. My book will be designated at "Returnable" in Baker & Taylor's ordering system for libraries. (Baker and Taylor is the leading distributor of books, with 180 years in the business.) My book will also be designated as "Returnable" in Ingram's ipage ordering system for book buyers and libraries. (Ingram is the world's largest wholesaler and distributer of books.)
Call 833-262-8899 to order thru Authorhouse