There are several types of massages that you can get to help your body recover from daily aches and pains. Nuromuscular therapy for chronic pain, deep tissue massage to flush out soft tissue and release chronic muscle tension, myofascial release massage for the release of muscular tension, sports massage given to most athletes for the emphases of prevention and healing of injuries to the muscles and tendons, lymphatic massage useful for people experiencing edema or excess fluid and swelling, and NMT which is great for those experiencing pain due to arthritis. Which ever category you fit into massage can help relive pain and extra stress in your body.
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Custom Home Gyms, LLC.
"Get Fit in the Comfort
of Your Own Home"
Stamped Architectural plans drawn by Custom Home Gyms, LLC which are approved by the city and used by builders for new construction sites, additions,
and renovations.

Architectural Designer
(Home Designer and Remodeler)
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Recent projects photos completed by Custom Home Gyms, LLC.

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